Monday, January 21, 2008

Super Bowl XLII

Patriots VS Giants Part Two. A few weeks ago these two teams played what might have been the best game of the season. Now they meet again in the biggest game of them all.

The Patriots are 18-0 and chasing history. Only the second team to go undefeated. Standing in their way are the Giants who barely lost last time they met. New England defeated Jacksonville and San Diego in Foxboro. While the Giants defeated Tampa Bay, Dallas and Green Bay...... all on the road. That is a feat in itself.

Eli Manning is coming out. He is finally showing to be the QB the Giants hoped he would be. He is playing the best football in his career and is one win away from a championship. He would be the second Manning in a row to win. Older brother Peyton and the Colts won last year. Meanwhile Tom Brady is trying for his fourth title. Mr MVP broke records this year, and will be trying to add SB champ to the list of accomplishments this year. By winning number four he would join Terry Bradshaw as the only QB's to win that many.

Speaking of Brady, he has an arsenal to work with. WR's Randy Moss, Wes Welker, Jabbar Gaffney and Donte Stallworth, along with RB's Lawrence Maroney and Kevin Faulk give Brady many options to go to. Add TE Ben Watson and Kyle Brady and LB Mike Vrable, and it's almost impossible to stop. The Patriots D has been solid also. Always one step ahead, they seem to make plays when they need to.

The Giants meanwhile have been playing the best football of all as of late. Beating the Bucs, Cowboys and Packers when they were underdogs was tough enough. But beating them on the road is even tougher. Losing TE Jeremy Shockey was a tough blow, but the Giants rebounded. WR Plaxico Burress has been dynamic. The RB tandem of Brandon Jacobs and Ahmad Bradshaw has been solid. And the Defense has stepped up and made plays.

This should be a good game. If the last game was any indication of how this game might go, it will be entertaining. Patriots are already favored by 13 1/2. Can the Pats stay undefeated or will the Giants take them down and win it all? We find out in two weeks.